Do you experience recurrent UTI's?

Approximately 60 per cent of women experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) requiring antibiotics by the age of 24 yrs. Generally speaking, the urinary tract is quite sterile however in certain conditions can lead to bacteria growth in the urinary tract leading to some not so pleasant symptoms. E. coli is the most common for infection however other bacteria may also cause infection. 

Recurrent urinary tract infections are defined as three or more positively diagnosed infections within a 12-month period or two infections within a 6-month period. 


Symptoms of UTI’s include 

·      Urinary frequency and urgency 

·      Burning sensation during urination 

·      Unpleasant odour 

·      Cloudy or dark coloured urine


The first line of treatment in UTI is to eradicate the bacteria in the urinary tract. UTI’s can be very serious and medical attention should be sort, in the long term naturopathic medicine can be used to prevent recurrent infection. 


Recurrent UTI’s may indicate that the immune system requires additional support as defences are not preventing overgrowth of bacteria or vaginal microbiome may out of balance. Incomplete bladder emptying can also play a role in occurrence of UTI’s. In addition to this many lifestyle factors can also play a role in UTI occurrence some of these include, sexual hygiene practices, use of condoms and lubricants, toilet habits and use of certain soaps or body washes. 


Naturopathic treatments take these factors into consideration and focus on long term support of the urinary tract rather than just killing the bacteria. Once bacteria has been eliminated it is import to prevent overgrowth again.


Probiotics and Prebiotics 

Certain strains of bacteria have been shown to support the health of the vaginal microbiome and prevent the overgrowth of E.coli these include Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri(consult your naturopath for addition information of what strain may support you). 

Yoghurt, kefir or sauerkraut are rich sources of probiotics dietary inclusion can assist in supporting microbiome composition.  


Adequate fluid consumption 

A minimum of 2L of water per day should be consumed to assist in proper urination. Herbal teas can be consumed in addition to normal water intake, teas such as nettle leaf or calendula can support urinary system.


Lifestyle factors

Avoid toxic lubricant and use a pH regulated lubricant 

Wipe front to back 

Review toiletries being use within the area 

Urinate immediately after intercourse 


Herbal medicine 

Cranberry assists in preventing adhesion of bacteria in urinary tract. 

Corn silk can be used to prevent bacterial adhesion and as an antiseptic. 

Pomegranate has been shown to be effect against E coli overgrowth. 

Celery seed has been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions. 

(Consult your naturopath for further information on what herbal remedies may be indicated for you).