Do you experience anxiety? Read this...

If you are suffering from anxiety, you are definitely not alone! In fact, anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in Australia. Anxiety can develop slowly overtime and research shows us that getting support and treatment for your anxiety sooner improves recovery time.


Everybody will experience anxious feelings at some point in their life due to a specific stressful event or situation such as a car accident. Anxious feelings associated with anxiety conditions occur regularly and don’t always have to be associated with a specific event or situation. Anxiety can present differently for many people and you do not have to have all symptoms to have an anxiety condition. Symptoms can be physical, psychological or behavioural.


What are the signs/symptoms of an anxiety condition?

-       Anxious feelings don’t go away

-       Feeling anxious feelings for no particular reason

-       Catastrophizing events, situations or comments

-       Obsessive thoughts 

-       Feeling anxious about day to day activities or situations

-       Panic attacks

-       Hot or cold flushes

-       Heart palpitations or chest tightness

-       Changes in breathing (quick breaths or holding breath)

-       Body tension

-       Avoiding events, socialisation, conversations or certain activities


What if there is more to the story?

While anxiety conditions are very serious and need to be address as a Naturopathic practitioner I am always looking for the root cause. In the clinic, I often see anxiety associated with underlying pathologies. There any many factors which play a role in anxiety and some of these include:

-       Hormonal Imbalances presenting as Period irregularity

-       Hypothyroidism

-       Hyperthyroidism

-       Low blood sugar

-       Nutrient deficiencies due to low dietary intake

-       Coeliac disease and other autoimmune conditions

-       Irritable bowel syndrome or Irritable bowel diseases

-       Medications like OCP

Taking a holistic approach and looking at how all the body systems are interacting may assist you to reduce your anxiety symptoms long term.

Some of my top tips to reduce anxiety symptoms include:

-       Your sleep matters! If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep this is going to be one of the most crucial factors to address. 

-       Don’t forget to breath: Deep breathing is like the bodies reset button, my recommendation is to do deep breathing everyday even when you’re not particularly anxious aim for breath work spaced regularly through the day I personally like to do mine before my main meals. It helps me to remember and also helps digestion! There are many types of breath work, you may need to try a few types before you find one that works best for you.

-       Find time for nature: Do you ever go to the beach and automatically feel 1000x better? Research has shown that natural environments can help us destress. Why not try a walk in the forest, by the river or at the beach? You could take a seat and do your deep breathing while you’re there.

-       Find your exercise balance: research shows us exercise can have an impact on reducing anxiety and improving sleep it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Find a balance high intensity everyday isn’t always the best for hormones.

-       Priorities nutrients: Protein, B6, vitamin C, Magnesium and Zinc are crucial for producing those stress relieving neurotransmitters without these nutrients we literally cannot make certain chemical compounds in our body which relieve anxiety.

-       L-Theanine: is an amino acid which is found natural in green tea. In the clinic, I use it as a supplement for anxiety conditions and sleep.

-       Herbal Medicine: Herbs can work wonders for anxiety conditions, I see it every day. Herbs knows as adaptogens and nervines help to support the bodies nervous system and adrenal function to restore the overactive stress response. Some of my favourite herbal medicines for anxiety include Ashwagandha, Eleutherococcus, Reishi, Lemon Balm, Oat Seed.

If you would like assistance reducing your anxiety symptoms please get in touch I would love to help you.

Please note this information is not provided to diagnose or treat any anxiety conditions. Always consult your health care practitioner for ongoing support.